Acts: Proclamation

[Acts 8:26-40]

Peter and John were proclaiming the Good News. It disturbed people and they were put in prison. Annas the high priest and Caiaphas questioned them. They spoke of Jesus and the salvation only possible through Him. They were commanded to not speak or teach in the name of Jesus.

They responded:

As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” – Acts 4:20 [NIV]

  • “We cannot stop telling” [NLT]
  • “We cannot stop talking” [GW]
  • “There’s no question – we can’t keep quiet” [MSG]

Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch

1) Obedience

Told to “Rise and go toward the south” (v. 26) “he rose and went” (v. 27)

2) Spirit Led

Ready to listen to God’s instruction – an angel of the Lord said (v. 26)

3) Specific Instructions

Spirit said go over and join this chariot (v. 29)

4) Concern for Others

Concerned about others understanding

“Do you understand what you are reading?” (v. 30)

5) Wait for the Open Door

No I need help – BOOM – DOOR OPEN

Begins with Isaiah passage and then speaks about the Good News of Jesus (v. 31)

6) Don’t stand in the way

What prevents me from being baptized?

Nothing (v. 37-38)

7) Don’t miss a beat

Spirit of Philip is carried away

His service is done – Onward and upward (v. 39-40)

This is one of the 4 part Acts series:

Acts: Prayer

Acts: Possessions

Acts: Persecution

Acts: Proclamation

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