Permanent Access

Today’s verse is a great reminder for us all. Romans 5:2 says, “Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory! (TPT). Grace. How amazing?!? We have permanent access to this grace. We have undeserved privilege because of Jesus. We have access because of faith — faith in Christ Jesus. Now we have the opportunity to stand in this grace. The Amplified Bible translates this verse as, “Through Him we also have access BY FAITH into this remarkable STATE OF GRACE in which we FIRMLY and SAFELY and SECURELY stand.”

What is a state of grace? This means that because of our faith in Jesus, we are now covered by grace. We have received the grace of God that is offered through the blood of Jesus Christ. As today’s verse notes, it is permanent access that we receive into this marvelous kindness, permanent access to God’s grace. It means that when we believe in Jesus Christ, we receive grace. This isn’t a one time, here’s some grace. This is grace that abounds. Yes, we continue to approach God in repentance when we sin again; however, we know that we are saved once, and continually forgiven. This means if you are truly a believer in Jesus, no one can take this away from you. You do not lose your salvation. This is why we read that nothing can take away our joy. In John 16:22, we read that we will see Jesus again. We can trust in His salvation. No one can take the joy we have from this promise of resurrection and eternal life with Jesus away from us. What does it mean to firmly, safely, and securely stand in a state of grace? Again, this points us to the promise that this grace cannot be taken away. We will have permanent access to the grace. 

What can we do today to fully experience the awesomeness of this permanent access to grace? What can we do to live this out confidently? The most important thing is to continue to focus our lives on our perfect relationship with God. Draw near to God. We are blessed with the opportunity to speak with God. We are able to communicate with Him through prayer. We are able to communicate with Him through the reading of His Word. We are able to live for Him, living a life to glorify Him. We stand for Him. The true response to His marvelous kindness, is to recognize and lift up the One who provides the kindness. Consider how great a sacrifice for this grace. Remember the lengths God has gone to show you His love and mercy. 

This passage reminds us that there is incredible joy that will burst forth within us as we celebrate the possibility of experiencing God’s glory. This is what it all comes down to for each of us. Not the joy we get, but rather, the glory He gets. Let us today rejoice in His promise of permanent access. Let us rejoice in knowing that He sent His Son to pay for our sins so that we can experience life anew with Him. Let us pray for a pure heart, a clean heart, a heart for Him. Let us never forget the great privilege we have to know Him and to be called His friend. How marvelous is His kindness!?! 

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